The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Boise State University invites you to attend a free public seminar hosted on Zoom. This week's seminar features Dr. Rene Rodriguez, a professor of physical chemistry at Idaho State University.
September 9 @ 10:30 am
ABSTRACT | Raman Spectroscopy probes the vibrational energy states of a material. Since the vibrational states are characteristic of a particular material, Raman spectra of substances like reactant gases in a PECVD process or the thin film which is deposited during the process, provide information about the identities and or concentrations of the substances. Experimentally Raman analysis can be performed in a coherent fashion for harsh environments or as a spontaneous process for more routine analysis.
SPEAKER BIO | Rene Rodriguez is a professor of physical chemistry at Idaho State University (ISU). He has been working in the Chemistry Department at ISU for more than 30 years. Over the years, his research has included studies of the deposition of thin films of semiconductor materials using PECVD processing. Rodriguez has published more than 30 research articles and meeting abstracts.