The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Boise State University invites you to attend a free public seminar hosted on Zoom. This week's seminar features Dr. Emily Heckman, a Senior Research Engineer at Air Force Research Laboratory.
October 7 @ 10:30 am
ABSTRACT | This talk will provide an overview of the field of printed electronics and ongoing research efforts in this area at the Air Force Research Laboratory Sensors Directorate. Printed electronics is a subset of additive manufacturing that uses technologies such as inkjet and aerosol jet printing and various other direct-write tools to additively print electronic devices on flexible, conformal and traditional substrate platforms. The AFRL Sensors Directorate is currently exploring this technology for application areas such as RF circuits and antennas, optoelectronic devices, sensors, and rapid prototyping. Challenges such as post-processing, repeatability, and reliability will be discussed.
SPEAKER BIO | Dr. Heckman is a Senior Research Engineer in the Air Force Research Laboratory. Her research focuses on the fabrication of electronic devices using additive manufacturing to provide agile response and conformal electronic devices to our Nation’s warfighters. Dr. Heckman has given numerous invited talks both nationally and internationally, is the author of over 50 journal articles, co-authored several book chapters, and has filed several patents related to her work in printed electronics.