The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Boise State University invites you to attend a free public seminar hosted on Zoom. This week's seminar features Dr. Chris Giebink, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Penn State University.
September 2 @ 10:30 am
September 2 @ 10:30 am
ABSTRACT | Hybrid perovskite semiconductors are best known for their rapid ascent in the world of photovoltaics; however, their tunable bandgap and attractive gain characteristics also motivate their application in light-emitting diodes and lasers. In particular, perovskites have renewed hope for achieving the long-standing goal of a non-epitaxial, solution-processable laser diode, which could impact areas ranging from silicon photonic integration to point-of-care medical diagnostics. This talk will focus on recent developments toward this goal, including pulsed and continuous-wave optically-pumped lasing, perovskite light-emitting diodes operating at ~kA/cm2 current density, and an understanding of how such intense electrical excitation affects the lasing threshold. The results indicate that there is no fundamental barrier to electrically-pumped lasing and highlight remaining technical hurdles that must be overcome to make perovskite laser diodes a reality.
SPEAKER BIO | Chris Giebink is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at Penn State University. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University and holds undergraduate degrees in both Physics and Engineering Science from Trinity University (TX). His research focuses broadly on optoelectronic and photonic devices based on organic materials, with applications in solar energy conversion, solid-state lighting, lasers, and nonlinear optics.